New episodes and podcast news!
Hey friends!
I was remiss in getting a newsletter put together in mid-March for our episode on living with coyotes, so this one is a double-header. And we’ve got some news about our publishing schedule that will allow us to keep a promise we made to those of you who’ve supported us financially.
We promised our Patreon supporters that they’d enjoy early access to episodes, and we’re starting with the next episode, number 8. We have been publishing each episode on the 1st and 15th of each month. The change entails making the episodes available to our Patreon supporters on those dates, with the rest of our listeners gaining access through the regular channels on the 7th and 21st of each month. That gives those people who’ve shelled out to make the podcast happen a headstart of a week.
This benefit is available to all of our Patreon supporters, regardless of tier, so pop on over to that page and sign up if you’d like to be in the early access cool kids club. Or do nothing and there will be one three-week gap between episodes instead of the usual two.
We’re also starting to post more bonus material to the Patreon site for our supporters, such as the full-length interview with NPS Botanist Drew Kaiser that anchored our episode on the Dome Fire, back in February.
In the coyote episode, our sixth in this semiexperimental Season One, we chatted a bit about the importance of coyotes to our lives, as desert residents and people who grow vegetables, who appreciate predators, and who just basically feel life isn’t worth living without that odd pack yodel that’s mellifluous and discordant at the same time, somehow.
Listen to it here!
And Episode 7 covers a remarkable story about a desert property owner finding a fish on her land, the Shoshone pupfish, that had previously been declared extinct, at which point she bent heaven and earth to make sure the pupfish survived into the 21st Century. We talked to our friend Susan Sorrells, owner of Shoshone, and Mason Voehl of the Amargosa Conservancy about the importance of the pupfish and its survival. PLUS, Alicia comments on recent moves to enforce speed limits in Mojave National Preserve, long used by Southern Californians as an inappropriate shortcut to Las Vegas. Listen here.
Two other things real quick: we love reading reviews of the podcast, and they help us promote it to new listeners, so if you have a minute and you feel moved to do so please consider drafting even just a short one on your podcast purveyor of choice. And word of mouth helps us get to new ears as well, so talk us up! Send links to episodes you like to your friends and family. Share on your social media feeds of choice. Nitpick our poetry on Twitter. It all helps.
Thank you all so much for your interest and support, and we have a slate of exciting episodes in store for you coming up. You make this possible. We appreciate that so much.
Stay safe;
Alicia and Chris